Yellow Brick Road Healing Arts

Yellow Brick Road

Healing Arts

The Business | YBRHA

Yellow Brick Road Healing Arts (YBRHA) stands with one foot in the evolving scientific research of modern medicine and the other foot in the sacred healing modalities of our ancestors. The core of YBRHA bridges the knowledge gained through each footstep, weaves together the medicine and delivers unique individualized care to each person who walks into the YBRHA home, so that each person can walk back into their home.

The Purposes of Yellow Brick Road Healing Arts:

  • To embrace worn and ragged travelers who feel they are surviving their life journey.
  • To walk, for a while, as a guide to those travelers as they journey back to themselves.
  • To provide support, encouragement and space for travelers to relearn how to embody their whole being.

Ultimately, travelers can walk with a renewed sense of balance and integrity along their journey of life.

The Practitioner | Kayse Onweller LAc

Kayse’s journey began in Michigan, where she grew up on a farm. In 2009, she began migrating westward, with stops in Nebraska and North Dakota, before landing in Arizona in 2020.  She feels at home among the Tucson mountain ranges and saguaros. Yes, Yellow Brick Road is a nod to Kayse’s favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. The moment she enjoys most is the seamless transition of Glinda from a translucent orb to her stunning human form before Dorothy’s very eyes. She sees the yellow brick road as a beautiful metaphor for life … It’s not a linear journey, but a spiral.

She graduated from the Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 2023. During her time in school clinic, she had an affinity for patients with anxiety, digestive issues and migraines. Additionally, she received Reiki Master level attunement through the Ventura Reiki Center and earned her CYT500 from the Devanadi School of Yoga and Wellness. Prior to her pivot to the healing professions, Kayse was dedicated to agriculture. She was active in plant breeding, having earned her Masters degree at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and subsequently working for the global companies Bayer and BASF.